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Senator Tim Scott for President

I recently read South Carolina Senator, Tim Scott’s autobiography “America, a Redemption Story” Choosing Hope, Creating Unity”. He recently announced he will run for President as a Republican in the next election. He is black. He grew up in a poor, one-parent family headed by his mother. He encountered prejudice while growing up, but persevered,…

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National Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month

Each year, the month of June is designated as National Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month. This awareness month began as a way to educate communities about PTSD and provide support and resources to those individuals living with this condition. PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience or witnessing of a…

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National Mental Health Awareness Month

Each year, May is designated as National Mental Health Awareness Month. This awareness month began to educate communities about mental health conditions and provide support along with resources to those individuals living with mental illness. Millions across the country are affected by mental illness each year. According to the Texas Statewide Behavioral Health Coordinating Council,…

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National Domestic Violence Awareness Month

The month of October is recognized as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. According to the National Research Center on Domestic Violence, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men are affected by domestic violence. Unfortunately, this means that this is a common problem for many people. Additionally, it is estimated that annually 20 million people…

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Suicide Prevention Month

September is recognized as Suicide Prevention Month. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, suicide is the second leading cause of death among people between the ages 10-34. In addition to this, suicide is the 12th leading cause of death in the United States. Along with this, the National Alliance on Mental Illness reports…

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BBB Business Tip: 7 ways small business owners can cope with inflation

U.S. consumers are experiencing the most significant 12-month increase in prices since 1981, and many small business owners are feeling the pressure. With the inflation rate hovering around 8%, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistic’s Consumer Price Index, many small business owners are experiencing increased costs to conduct business and shrinking profit margins. Desperate to…

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The Month Of June Is Alzheimer’s And Brain Awareness Month

This year, the month of June has been designated as Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month. When people think of being healthy, generally we think of our external physical health. However, officials with the Alzheimer’s Association want to remind everyone that mental health is just as important. Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month began as a way…

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How the Other 7 billion People in the World Really Live

My most recent non-fiction book was “Factfulness” by Dr. Hans Rosling who is a professor of world health in a university in Sweden. When the author speaks to audiences in high-income countries, he begins with a 13-question, multiple choice test about the living conditions of the world’s 7 billion people. He has been amazed that…

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The book “Spies, Lies and algorithms,” by Amy B. Zeqart, describes the US cyber security threat in the last chapter. Our greatest security threat is a cyber-attack by our enemies China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea, not a shooting war. For many years, hackers have attacked our businesses, universities, and government agencies repeatedly. Each time…

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Biden’s Ban on fossil Fuels

President Biden and the Democrats still want to ban fossil fuels in 10 years. That is economically and technically not feasible. If adopted, that would be catastrophic for our US economy. It will turn our economy back two hundred years to 1822 and destroy the 18-fold gain in prosperity, wealth and well-being gained over two…

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