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The First Phase US-China Trade Deal

The Trump administration recently signed a first phase trade deal with China after more than one year of negotiation.  It’s about time!  Previous Republican and Democrat administrations over the last 40 years have allowed China tariff free access to US markets without demanding equal access for US companies to export to China.  As a result,…

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What If?

When I sit on our patio in the late afternoon on a bright sunny day with blue skies and my favorite adult beverage nearby, I like to meditate and play “what If?” games.  Part of my nonfiction reading during retirement has been about the living cells in plants, animals and humans.  The chemical reaction that…

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Trade Wars

The TV talking heads are in a frenzy about President Trump’s new tariffs on imports from countries that run a large trade surplus with the US.  So far, it’s all TV talk and no wars.  It is likely to continue that way.  It took 70 years for our US trade deficit with dozens of countries…

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