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Biden’s Ban on fossil Fuels

President Biden and the Democrats still want to ban fossil fuels in 10 years. That is economically and technically not feasible. If adopted, that would be catastrophic for our US economy. It will turn our economy back two hundred years to 1822 and destroy the 18-fold gain in prosperity, wealth and well-being gained over two…

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Heart Month

The month of February is designated as Heart Month. This month strives to educate the public about the importance of improving heart health. This endeavor aims to help people identify and understand helpful adjustments that can be made to increase heart health. The term “heart disease” refers to several types of heart conditions. In the…

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Human Trafficking Awareness

The month of January serves as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Governor Abbott has proclaimed January 2021 as Human Trafficking Prevention Month. During this month, advocates, organizations, and individuals unite to raise awareness about this very important issue. According to the Department of Homeland Security, human trafficking is “modern-day slavery and involves the use of force,…

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Shut Down the Corpus Christi Convention Center and American Bank Center Arena

I was appalled when I read Dale’s recent Moon column about city councils plan for these faculties. He reported the following from the city 2021-2022 budget: $6.9 million in hotel occupancy tax funds for maintenance and operation of the convention center. $7.3 million from the arena special sales tax for the arena maintenance and operation.…

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National Diabetes Awareness Month

Every year the month of November is recognized as Diabetes Awareness Month. The purpose of this month is to raise awareness regarding the disease since millions of Americans live with diabetes. According to the American Diabetes Association, 34.2 million Americans have diabetes. This means that 10.5% of Americans live with diabetes. Additionally, 88 million people…

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BBB Tip: Buying a car online

The ability to purchase goods and services over the Internet has permanently changed how countless industries conduct business, especially after the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Online marketplaces remove much of the stress associated with in-person purchases of expensive items, such as automobiles.     There are many benefits to purchasing a car online.…

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Stock Trading Apps

In the aftermath of the GameStop stock saga, many would-be investors have turned to mobile stock trading apps to capitalize on market investments. According to MarketWatch, a Dow Jones & Co. investment resource that tracks marketplace trends, February downloads of mobile trading apps, such as Robinhood, E*Trade, and Webull, reached an all-time high with expectations…

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Rapid Development of COVID-19 Tests and Vaccine

The rapid development of COVD-19 tests and vaccines was a great achievement by worldwide volunteer, free market, self-managed and directed science and business.  Two articles in the March 20-21, 2021 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) described how it was done. The article by, Dr. Jennifer Dounda, a biochemist at the University of California-Berkley, and founder of…

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Government Impostor Scams

BBB Column It is no secret that COVID-19 has brought confusion along with concern. This confusion provides opportunities for scammers to target consumers in new, creative ways. A recent study from BBB shows that reports on government impostor scams have decreased, but the pandemic has allowed for these scams to take new forms that may…

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Real High Tech

Sometime back during the infancy of computers and information technology, someone invented the term “high tech” to describe it.  That is an unfair disservice to many other industries that have their own amazing high technology.  The modern car or SUV has hundreds of components that are incredibly high tech that has evolved over the 125…

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