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Tips for a Fraud-Free 2021

BBB Column The new year has started, and 2021 resolutions have been made. While many New Year’s goals focus on improving health and finances, consumers should also consider resolutions they can make to prevent fraud and protect their personal information. In 2020, the top scams in Texas included government impostor scams, tech support scams and…

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Windstorm Insurance Updates 2021

Once again, we are being told that the Texas Legislature, in the current session, will solve our windstorm insurance problem.  That will not happen.  Our 14 Coastal counties only represent 5.5 percent of the 254 Texas counties.  Because of our greater population density, we have a little better legislative representation with about 7 percent in…

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City Updates – Greg Smith District 4

One of the important issues facing the Island is Short Term Rentals of homes.  Currently, Corpus Christi does not have an ordinance addressing STR’s as they are growing in popularity across the nation and particularly on the Island.  The Island Strategic Action Committee that advises Council has set up a subcommittee that has been meeting…

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4 Crucial Things to Keep In Mind While Expanding Your Business

Running a business successfully is an amazing experience. There’s nothing quite like putting in the work and seeing your company thrive. However, sometimes there’s a limit to how much a business can do at its starting size. If you’ve hit this limit, you’re probably thinking about expanding. The Padre Island Business Association is always proud…

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Is the Communist Government of China a Threat to the Rest of the World?

Under the present all-powerful president, Xi Jinping, it is.  Xi Jinping has an ideology for China that he calls “the China dream”.  According to Xi Jinping, China and its people have always been the superior country and people of the world for the last 2,000 years.  However, China and its people have been victimized by…

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Student ID Theft

BBB Tips for College Students on Avoiding Fraud BBB Column College students are returning to campus for the start of the semester, and with confusion surrounding new COVID-19 procedures, they may not be thinking about protecting their identities. Students are becoming more susceptible to fraud, which means educating children and young adults on financial literacy…

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Our Human Memory

One of my interests in retirement has been reading several books about our human brain.  Medical scientists know a lot about the human brain, including the number of brain cells (about 200 billion plus).  They know how brain cells are constructed and the chemical reactions conducted in each cell to produce the cell’s energy and…

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Many of us have found ourselves migrating to the back patio to take a break from months of Netflix binging (June came and went?). The sun boosts mood and morale, but it can also have some dangerous effects if we do not heed caution. By following these 10 tips, you may actually find that there…

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