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Net-Zero Home?

Despite the sounds of it, this term does not apply to selling your home and seeing a fat ZERO on the Monies Owed to Seller at closing. This is FAR from a financial “wash” actually. It refers to energy efficiency! By definition, a net-zero home produces as much energy as it consumes. Most of us…

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Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

As the state’s leading voluntary eye health and safety organization, “Prevent Blindness” is dedicated to preventing blindness and preserving sight. Established in 1965, “Prevent Blindness Texas” is focused on improving the state’s vision and eye health by educating the community through the core competencies of early detection, patient support, systems enhancement, and public policy. Prevent…

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BBB Tip: Buying a car online

The ability to purchase goods and services over the Internet has permanently changed how countless industries conduct business, especially after the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Online marketplaces remove much of the stress associated with in-person purchases of expensive items, such as automobiles.     There are many benefits to purchasing a car online.…

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Hi, Summer! We’ve missed you. The beach parties are back in session, your XL cooler is sanitized and ready for cold ones, and your grill is stocked with propane for days. But, before you get too drunk on summertime fantasy, we have a buzz-kill topic to discuss. Your HVAC. Ever come home after a long…

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National Ultraviolet Safety Month

July is designated as National Ultraviolet (UV) Safety Month. According to the American Cancer Society, individuals with a high level of exposure to UV rays from the sun have an increased risk of skin cancer, which is the most prevalent type of cancer in the country. It is important to note that despite these statistics,…

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Stock Trading Apps

In the aftermath of the GameStop stock saga, many would-be investors have turned to mobile stock trading apps to capitalize on market investments. According to MarketWatch, a Dow Jones & Co. investment resource that tracks marketplace trends, February downloads of mobile trading apps, such as Robinhood, E*Trade, and Webull, reached an all-time high with expectations…

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Rapid Development of COVID-19 Tests and Vaccine

The rapid development of COVD-19 tests and vaccines was a great achievement by worldwide volunteer, free market, self-managed and directed science and business.  Two articles in the March 20-21, 2021 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) described how it was done. The article by, Dr. Jennifer Dounda, a biochemist at the University of California-Berkley, and founder of…

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National Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month

Each year, the month of June is designated as National Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness Month. This awareness month began as a way to educate communities about PTSD and provide support and resources to those individuals living with this condition. PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience or witnessing of a…

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BBB Talking Points – Social Media Scams

Be wary of online messages Do some research Press for details Report suspicious activity to Facebook. Intro: Plenty of people who are connected to the internet are catching up with friends on social media or randomly surfing the web. Unfortunately, so are scammers. Here to offer tips on protecting yourself on social media from your…

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Nueces County Priorities

Our county judge and commissioners need to get their priorities right.  The priority should be getting all county residents vaccinated as conveniently and as soon as possible for COVID-19.  County residents are dying daily.  Instead, our county judge and commissioners are spending their time in the fifth-plus futile effort to re-develop the old county courthouse.…

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