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How to Be an Eco-Friendly Entrepreneur

A quick primer on steps you can take starting today to build a greener business for tomorrow. We all know that we have to go green to save the planet for our children and grandchildren. But, how can we do that in a way that aligns with our business goals? If you’re planning to become…

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Heart Month

The month of February is designated as Heart Month. This month strives to educate the public about the importance of improving heart health. This endeavor aims to help people identify and understand helpful adjustments that can be made to increase heart health. The term “heart disease” refers to several types of heart conditions. In the…

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BBB Business Tip: Top workplace trends for 2022

Small business owners understand better than anyone the impact that COVID-19 has had on the daily workplace. In an instant, millions of jobs went remote in 2020, and remote working continued to be the norm in 2021. When offices and businesses began to reopen, the Great Resignation of 2021 occurred. Many employees chose to remain at home…

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BBB Tip: How to Avoid Event Ticket Scams

As COVID-19 restrictions slowly lift around the nation following mass vaccination events and a declining positivity rate, many people are eagerly anticipating the return of in-person events and festivals. However, many venues still limit the number of tickets available for an event, creating stiff competition to obtain one. The internet provides countless opportunities for people…

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Shut Down the Corpus Christi Convention Center and American Bank Center Arena

I was appalled when I read Dale’s recent Moon column about city councils plan for these faculties. He reported the following from the city 2021-2022 budget: $6.9 million in hotel occupancy tax funds for maintenance and operation of the convention center. $7.3 million from the arena special sales tax for the arena maintenance and operation.…

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Prep For The Cold?

BREAKING NEWS: Winter is upon us. “So what” you say? We live in S. Texas – it’s always warm, sunny, driveway drinks and pool parties weather around here. MYTH. We can and do get freezes! Who remembers last February? That was pretty extra, and as atypical as it was, history CAN repeat itself. I know…

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I am amazed how many people demand that the government or somebody guarantee them a risk-free life.  There is no such thing.  We, humans, were created by God with high intelligence and free will to make our own choices in life.  Most choices are about the future.  No one can foresee the future with certainty. …

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is recognized October 1st– October 31st. The purpose of this month is to increase awareness of breast cancer. According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. In addition to this, breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. Breast…

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BBB Scam Alert

BBB Scam Alert: Watch out for false promises as eviction moratorium nears end   The eviction moratorium has been extended through October 3, but that doesn’t mean scammers have postponed their tricks. Con artists often take advantage of the confusion and stress surrounding significant events. With more than 450,000 Texans behind on their rent, the moratorium’s end…

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Biden’s Ban of Fossil Fuels

The Biden administration and Congressional Democrats still want to ban fossil fuels within 10 years.  That is economically and technically not feasible.  If adopted, it will turn our economy back 200 years to 1821 and destroy the 18-fold gains in prosperity, wealth, and wellbeing gained over 200 years of the industrial revolution fueled by fossil…

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