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City Updates – Greg Smith District 4

One of the important issues facing the Island is Short Term Rentals of homes.  Currently, Corpus Christi does not have an ordinance addressing STR’s as they are growing in popularity across the nation and particularly on the Island.  The Island Strategic Action Committee that advises Council has set up a subcommittee that has been meeting…

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Despite forbearance programs set in place to relieve mortgage tensions during the COVID-19 Pandemic, it’s a commonality that all US economic recessions have in common: An eventual spike in home foreclosures. But what about those in the fortunate opposing position? A “good deal” is hard to ignore! So if you find yourself interested in raising…

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2020 State of Island Real Estate

A new decade can bring excitement, anticipation, and chatter of changes. But one thing that doesn’t seem to change is what’s most important in the real estate market: As we real estate experts commonly quip, it all comes down to three simple things: Location, location, location! And lucky for us, that’s the one absolute permanent…

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Home Habits To Kick

Did Harvey leave you sleeping with one eye open? What about the possibility of floods, fires, or sinkholes swallowing your sofa? Although the scare of natural disasters keep us a bit on edge, perhaps we should be more afraid of our own habits. Here’s a short list of a few common problems that may actually…

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The North Beach Project

The Corpus Christi City council appointed a task force to recommend a solution to the North Beach Storm Water flooding problem.  The problem is that most of North Beach is not high enough in elevation above sea level for storm water to drain into the bay.  The task force has recommended a solution to flooding,…

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It’s hot here on the Island…is an 80-degree day too much to ask for? Although it is nearing the end of what most may consider real estate’s “busy” season, that doesn’t mean buyers are going anywhere, and it doesn’t mean owners will stop listing their homes. The show must go ON! As the market is…

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Now that we’re halfway through the year, 2019 is revealing some trends that may interest any of you potential seller(s) or buyer(s). And some may surprise you! I’ll skip the hashtags and rhetoric, and get straight to them. PRICES ARE RISING. Albeit slowly, but they are on the up. Isn’t that why we own? Real…

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Thank You Corpus Christi Ronald McDonald House

I was introduced to the people and the mission of the Ronald McDonald House four years ago by my friend Robbi Atkins.  She asked me if I was interested in helping out and volunteering for their annual Casa de Amor event in September. That year, the event broke all previous donation records to that date,…

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Corpus Christi Spotlights with Brent Chesney

IB MAGEE FACES FURTHER DELAYS I wish I had better news. The bottom line is the bids that came in were so high that we do not have the money to even come close to finalizing the project. We are currently in the process of re-engineering the entire project to figure out how to best…

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Find Your Agent Match

After the rush of Spring Breakers have bought all the Padre Island trucker hats, cleared the convenient stores of canned beer, and left their vacation rental beds unmade, March is a popular month for both buyers and sellers to get a SPRING in their step. We love our tourists…but we really love our permanent residents.…

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