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An Agenda for our Next President

Throughout our country’s history, we have offered opportunity and hope to all our citizens who are willing to work hard to attain a better life for themselves and their family. My working career spanned the period 1950 to 2000 and I had great opportunities, took everyone of them, worked hard and attained a life many…

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Q. How can I be a better leader? A. Managers function as leaders, managers, or administrators depending on the size and complexity of the organization managed. However, all three use leadership skills. Managers lead their subordinate leaders and administrators lead their subordinate managers. Leaders must be professionally competent in the job they hold to gain…

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MedicAlert Awareness Month

The month of August is Medic Alert Awareness Month. For over 60 years, the MedicAlert Foundation International (MAFI) has customized jewelry for people who suffer from life-threatening medical conditions. Dr. Marion Collins established MAFI after his daughter, Linda, nearly died of a severe allergic reaction during a simple non-life-threatening medical procedure. Soon after, the Collins’…

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Ultraviolet Safety Month

July is designated as National Ultraviolet (UV) Safety Month. According to the American Cancer Society, individuals with a high level of exposure to UV rays from the sun have an increased risk of skin cancer, which is the most prevalent type of cancer in the country. It is important to note that despite these statistics,…

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Hunter Named Among State’s Best Legislators

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT Tuesday, June 13, 2023 Angie Flores at 361.695.2048 (CORPUS CHRISTI) – State Rep. Todd Hunter was named one of the 10 Best Legislators in Texas on Tuesday by Texas Monthly, which commended Rep. Hunter for his independence and his willingness to stand up for Texans. Rep. Hunter chairs the House State…

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Senator Tim Scott for President

I recently read South Carolina Senator, Tim Scott’s autobiography “America, a Redemption Story” Choosing Hope, Creating Unity”. He recently announced he will run for President as a Republican in the next election. He is black. He grew up in a poor, one-parent family headed by his mother. He encountered prejudice while growing up, but persevered,…

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How the World Really Works

I start this article with a quiz. What are the 6 human-made materials that are essential for our modern comfortable, affluent lifestyle? The book “How the World Really Works”, by scientist, Vaelav Smil, says they are low-cost energy, food, ammonia, steel, cement and plastics. Had I taken the quiz, I probably would have gotten energy…

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Evolution and Compounding

In his book titled Evolution of Everything, the author, Matt Ridley, says that all human progress has been by evolution, meaning small incremental advances by many people each year, not by major breakthroughs by one human. To understand the importance of evolution we need to apply the math rule of “compounding”. The easy way to…

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Do Not Elect Port Commissioners

In the March PIBA bulletin, Commissioner, Brent Chesney, proposed that state law be changed to elect Port Commissioners rather than appoint them as we do now. I disagree. Port Commissioners have been appointed over the Port’s 100-year plus history. During my 35 years living in Corpus Christi, we have had both good commissioners and poor…

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“The Next Big Thing”

Investors and consumers today have unrealistic expectations for the next “big thing” meaning new consumer products or services created by new science and technology. No doubt that is because most people living today spent most of their life during the last 70 years when the information technology (IT) industry produced rapid new “big things.” The…

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