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The Month Of June Is Alzheimer’s And Brain Awareness Month

This year, the month of June has been designated as Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month. When people think of being healthy, generally we think of our external physical health. However, officials with the Alzheimer’s Association want to remind everyone that mental health is just as important. Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month began as a way…

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Texas Power Grid Failure During the February Freeze Crisis

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published a series of articles explaining the February partial power grid failure.  When the power demand exceeds power production, the grid frequency drops and puts the grid in danger of collapse.  When that happened, the PUC and ERCOT ordered the grid operators to reduce demand by shutting down power to…

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Nueces County Long-term Priorities

In my March article, I discussed near-term priorities for Nueces County.  Nueces County’s long-term priorities should be to increase its tax base by recruiting oil & gas-related industrial plants.  Several years ago, the Nueces County tax base was about $25 billion-plus, and the San Patricio County tax base was about $3.5 billion.  Since then, San…

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March is American Red Cross Month

March is American Red Cross month, which is a nationwide initiative aimed at raising awareness for the humanitarian programs and services provided by this organization. As such, I would like to highlight the many ways the American Red Cross makes an impact in communities across the world as well as to share ways you can…

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Updates from Brent Chesney, Nueces County Commissioner

SANDCASTLE RUN POSTPONED UNTIL MAY 29, 2021 The fifth Sandcastle Run has been moved for the last time to Saturday, May 29, 2021. The timing of this event is very important as the summer camp for children with Diabetes is some time in June or July. The funds raised from this event will be very…

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Home Fire Prevention and Safety Tips

As one of the nation’s leading disaster relief organizations, the American Red Cross responds to thousands of disasters each year. While many might associate the organization’s outreach efforts with major catastrophic events such as hurricanes and wildfires, the American Red Cross reports that home fires represent approximately 90 percent of its disaster response efforts. In…

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Despite forbearance programs set in place to relieve mortgage tensions during the COVID-19 Pandemic, it’s a commonality that all US economic recessions have in common: An eventual spike in home foreclosures. But what about those in the fortunate opposing position? A “good deal” is hard to ignore! So if you find yourself interested in raising…

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Corpus Christi Charter Division – No!

According to the June 11 Island Moon, the Charter Review Ad Hoc Committee has recommended radical changes in how we elect city council members.  Council member terms would be increased from the current 2 years to 4 years and allow 4 terms for a total of 16 years and then, if elected Mayor, serve 2…

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Have you heard that question over and over again? I have. It is a valid question but also it is difficult to answer. As of the time I wrote this out of all the tests done in Nueces County about 3.1% of the tests done are positive and thankfully 96.9% of the tests done have…

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The North Beach Project

The Corpus Christi City council appointed a task force to recommend a solution to the North Beach Storm Water flooding problem.  The problem is that most of North Beach is not high enough in elevation above sea level for storm water to drain into the bay.  The task force has recommended a solution to flooding,…

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