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What Happened to Common Sense?

I am amazed at the nonsense I encounter from TV news, email strings, newspaper articles and social media.  The statements made are obviously propaganda, exaggerations or outright lies.  I have an engineering degree and am well read up on numerous topics.  However, you don’t need to know a lot to spot most of the nonsense. …

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What’s happening at La Posada for 2019 ?

Exciting new things for La Posada this Season. First, there’s breaking news on two fronts: IBC Bank has joined La Posada as our Signature Partner for 2019. We are now the IBC Bank La Posada Lighted Boat Parade. IBC President, Harold Schockley Jr. entered negotiations with The La Posada Foundation about 3 months ago. The…

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month

According to, one in every eight U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer in their lifetime. The CDC stated in 2016 that breast cancer is the most common cancer found in women, regardless of race or ethnicity. It was more than twice as common as lung and bronchus cancer, the second most common type.…

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Our Human Brain, Mind and Soul

One of my interests in retirement has been reading several books about our human brain.  Medical scientists know a lot about the human brain, including the number of brain cells (about 200 billion plus).  They know how brain cells are constructed and the chemical reactions conducted in each cell to produce the cell’s energy and…

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Now that we’re halfway through the year, 2019 is revealing some trends that may interest any of you potential seller(s) or buyer(s). And some may surprise you! I’ll skip the hashtags and rhetoric, and get straight to them. PRICES ARE RISING. Albeit slowly, but they are on the up. Isn’t that why we own? Real…

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What If?

When I sit on our patio in the late afternoon on a bright sunny day with blue skies and my favorite adult beverage nearby, I like to meditate and play “what If?” games.  Part of my nonfiction reading during retirement has been about the living cells in plants, animals and humans.  The chemical reaction that…

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Thank You Corpus Christi Ronald McDonald House

I was introduced to the people and the mission of the Ronald McDonald House four years ago by my friend Robbi Atkins.  She asked me if I was interested in helping out and volunteering for their annual Casa de Amor event in September. That year, the event broke all previous donation records to that date,…

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REALTOR® Code of Ethics

“Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do, and what is right to do.” – Potter Stewart Stewart, who served as an Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court from 1958 to 1981, spent many years understanding the meaning of ethics. Although we’re not all members of the Supreme Court,…

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Let the campaigning cease….It was a long and difficult election season. The good news is it is over. I know another one will be starting soon but let’s breathe our sigh of relief now while we can. As we all knew Nueces County will have a new County Judge in January. While we did not…

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World War II US Japanese Internment Camps

During our August trip to Montana, we toured the Heart Mountain World War II Japanese Internment Camp Museum near Cody, Wyoming.  I knew that the US had interned US citizens of Japanese descent during World War II, but never knew the details.  What a shameful mark on our country’s history! After the Pearl Harbor attack,…

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