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Human Trafficking Awareness

The month of January serves as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Governor Abbott has proclaimed January 2021 as Human Trafficking Prevention Month. During this month, advocates, organizations, and individuals unite to raise awareness about this very important issue. According to the Department of Homeland Security, human trafficking is “modern-day slavery and involves the use of force,…

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BBB Tip: 8 surprising facts about identity theft

Communication, work, school, shopping and even doctor’s visits have undergone massive digital transformations in the past year. Identity thieves are evolving right alongside us to better exploit victims in an increasingly digital world. The result is a sharp rise in both the number of fraud incidents and the amount of money lost ($712 billion in…

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The US Military Withdrawal from Afghanistan

A reader suggested I write an article comparing the British Army withdrawal at Dunkirk early in World War II to the recent US withdrawal from Afghanistan. The British army withdrawal from Dunkirk was a brilliant military operation. It saved 300,000 of Britain’s most experienced officers, non-commissioned officers (NCOs), and soldiers.   Those troops helped deter Germany…

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Biden’s Ban of Fossil Fuels

The Biden administration and Congressional Democrats still want to ban fossil fuels within 10 years.  That is economically and technically not feasible.  If adopted, it will turn our economy back 200 years to 1821 and destroy the 18-fold gains in prosperity, wealth, and wellbeing gained over 200 years of the industrial revolution fueled by fossil…

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Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

As the state’s leading voluntary eye health and safety organization, “Prevent Blindness” is dedicated to preventing blindness and preserving sight. Established in 1965, “Prevent Blindness Texas” is focused on improving the state’s vision and eye health by educating the community through the core competencies of early detection, patient support, systems enhancement, and public policy. Prevent…

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Texas Power Grid Failure During the February Freeze Crisis

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published a series of articles explaining the February partial power grid failure.  When the power demand exceeds power production, the grid frequency drops and puts the grid in danger of collapse.  When that happened, the PUC and ERCOT ordered the grid operators to reduce demand by shutting down power to…

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Nueces County Priorities

Our county judge and commissioners need to get their priorities right.  The priority should be getting all county residents vaccinated as conveniently and as soon as possible for COVID-19.  County residents are dying daily.  Instead, our county judge and commissioners are spending their time in the fifth-plus futile effort to re-develop the old county courthouse.…

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The Month of November Helps to Recognize Our Veterans

The month of November is a time to recognize the sacrifice of the men and women that served in the armed forces. U.S. veterans have sacrificed so much for our country and it is important to honor them for their service. In Texas, we have several programs that seek to help and assist our current…

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The Collapse of the Soviet Union

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union.  President Reagan has rightfully received a lot of credit for ending the “Cold War” with Russia.  Based on my reading, Gorbachev deserves at least equal credit.  By 1989 when the Soviet Union disintegrated, the Communist Party had been the absolute ruler of…

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Home Fire Prevention and Safety Tips

As one of the nation’s leading disaster relief organizations, the American Red Cross responds to thousands of disasters each year. While many might associate the organization’s outreach efforts with major catastrophic events such as hurricanes and wildfires, the American Red Cross reports that home fires represent approximately 90 percent of its disaster response efforts. In…

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