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Is the Communist Government of China a Threat to the Rest of the World?

Under the present all-powerful president, Xi Jinping, it is.  Xi Jinping has an ideology for China that he calls “the China dream”.  According to Xi Jinping, China and its people have always been the superior country and people of the world for the last 2,000 years.  However, China and its people have been victimized by…

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Military Chain of Command

What a mess! Whatever happened to military discipline and the chain of command?  I am glad the Navy Secretary got sacked.  He was more at fault than the Captain. It is my understanding that aircraft carriers are always accompanied by a task force fleet commanded by an admiral who headquarters aboard the carrier.  The fleet…

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Have you heard that question over and over again? I have. It is a valid question but also it is difficult to answer. As of the time I wrote this out of all the tests done in Nueces County about 3.1% of the tests done are positive and thankfully 96.9% of the tests done have…

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Malicious Free Speech Rights Threaten our Democracy

The US has emphasized individual free speech rights to the point malicious free speech threatens our democracy and our individual human rights.   A recent horrible example of that is the way Admiral Jackson’s reputation and career was destroyed by anonymous accusations.  Admiral Jackson had been the White House Doctor through several administrations and was nominated…

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