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The Collapse of the Soviet Union

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union.  President Reagan has rightfully received a lot of credit for ending the “Cold War” with Russia.  Based on my reading, Gorbachev deserves at least equal credit.  By 1989 when the Soviet Union disintegrated, the Communist Party had been the absolute ruler of…

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Updates from Brent Chesney, Nueces County Commissioner

SANDCASTLE RUN POSTPONED UNTIL MAY 29, 2021 The fifth Sandcastle Run has been moved for the last time to Saturday, May 29, 2021. The timing of this event is very important as the summer camp for children with Diabetes is some time in June or July. The funds raised from this event will be very…

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Student ID Theft

BBB Tips for College Students on Avoiding Fraud BBB Column College students are returning to campus for the start of the semester, and with confusion surrounding new COVID-19 procedures, they may not be thinking about protecting their identities. Students are becoming more susceptible to fraud, which means educating children and young adults on financial literacy…

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Scammers Use Dating Apps to Launder CARES Money

BBB Column The CARES Act, which was passed into law in late March, has been providing financial relief to consumers and businesses across the country. With money being moved into the economy, scammers are looking to profit at the expense of the everyday consumer. BBB has received reports of consumers being targeted over dating apps…

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Corpus Christi Charter Division – No!

According to the June 11 Island Moon, the Charter Review Ad Hoc Committee has recommended radical changes in how we elect city council members.  Council member terms would be increased from the current 2 years to 4 years and allow 4 terms for a total of 16 years and then, if elected Mayor, serve 2…

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Military Chain of Command

What a mess! Whatever happened to military discipline and the chain of command?  I am glad the Navy Secretary got sacked.  He was more at fault than the Captain. It is my understanding that aircraft carriers are always accompanied by a task force fleet commanded by an admiral who headquarters aboard the carrier.  The fleet…

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Have you heard that question over and over again? I have. It is a valid question but also it is difficult to answer. As of the time I wrote this out of all the tests done in Nueces County about 3.1% of the tests done are positive and thankfully 96.9% of the tests done have…

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Knowing Debt and Credit Obligations during COVID-19

BBB Column As the COVID-19 crisis moves forward, with businesses closing temporarily and employee layoffs, many are wondering how they will manage their finances. Among these worries are how to handle credit and debt repayments. The CARES Act offers relief to those financially impacted by the pandemic. The new law requires lenders to report to…

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The Peter Principle

I recently read “Undaunted Courage” by Stephen Ambrose.  It recounts the story of the Lewis and Clark expedition which explored the Louisiana Territory in the early 1800’s.  Meriwether Lewis was a tragic example of the “Peter Principle” which is named for Lawrence Peter’s book in the 1960’s which proposed the theory that large organizations such…

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The First Phase US-China Trade Deal

The Trump administration recently signed a first phase trade deal with China after more than one year of negotiation.  It’s about time!  Previous Republican and Democrat administrations over the last 40 years have allowed China tariff free access to US markets without demanding equal access for US companies to export to China.  As a result,…

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