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Knowing Debt and Credit Obligations during COVID-19

BBB Column As the COVID-19 crisis moves forward, with businesses closing temporarily and employee layoffs, many are wondering how they will manage their finances. Among these worries are how to handle credit and debt repayments. The CARES Act offers relief to those financially impacted by the pandemic. The new law requires lenders to report to…

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It is really hard to provide coronavirus updates because things change so quickly. We have been fortunate in Nueces County. As I write this on Tuesday, April 14 we have had 84 confirmed cases in Nueces County. 5 people are still in the hospital, two in critical condition, and one recovering.  Eight have recovered and…

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Cancellation Tips Amid COVID-19 BBB Column

With the coronavirus strain COVID-19 appearing in multiple cities and countries, travel plans are being postponed, or canceled altogether. Not only travel, but the schedules of large-scale events like sports, music festivals and more are being affected. Many are left wondering what to do about canceled travels and purchased tickets they can no longer use.…

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