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BBB Scam Alert: 30% of employment scams occur during the summer

The beginning of summer brings an influx of job-seeking students looking to capitalize on their free time by earning money over their three-month break. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, most of these students find employment in the accommodations and foodservice industry, with a little over half (54%) of 16- to 24-year-olds employed in…

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National Donate Life Month

April is National Donate Life Month. This month is dedicated to educating and encouraging Americans to register as donors of organs, tissue, marrow, and blood. Donating is a generous act that saves thousands of lives annually. Transplanting organs and tissue is one of the greatest and most successful medical procedures in the history of medicine.…

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The top 5 cybersecurity practices every small business needs to do now

BBB Business Tip:  Cybercrime is a big problem for small businesses, and it’s only getting worse. According to McAfee Enterprise and FireEye’s latest report, Cybercrime in a Pandemic World: The Impact of COVID-19, 81% of global organizations have experienced increased cyber threats since the onset of the pandemic, and in 2020, the cost of cybercrimes reached approximately $4.2 billion,…

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Hiring employees After the COVID-19 Lockdown

I have heard and read many complaints by small businesses that they can’t’ find and hire new employees after the COVID-19 lockdown.  The federal government supplemented state unemployment during the shutdown with $00 per week.  Many PIBA business members are in the hospitality industry (restaurant, hotel, motels and tourist entertainment) and typically pay minimum wage…

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Government Impostor Scams

BBB Column It is no secret that COVID-19 has brought confusion along with concern. This confusion provides opportunities for scammers to target consumers in new, creative ways. A recent study from BBB shows that reports on government impostor scams have decreased, but the pandemic has allowed for these scams to take new forms that may…

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The Collapse of the Soviet Union

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union.  President Reagan has rightfully received a lot of credit for ending the “Cold War” with Russia.  Based on my reading, Gorbachev deserves at least equal credit.  By 1989 when the Soviet Union disintegrated, the Communist Party had been the absolute ruler of…

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Updates from Brent Chesney, Nueces County Commissioner

SANDCASTLE RUN POSTPONED UNTIL MAY 29, 2021 The fifth Sandcastle Run has been moved for the last time to Saturday, May 29, 2021. The timing of this event is very important as the summer camp for children with Diabetes is some time in June or July. The funds raised from this event will be very…

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The Corona Virus Pandemic

Overall, the federal, state and county governments handled the Coronavirus pandemic as well as could realistically be expected. However, there were areas that should have been handled better.  Around April 1, the federal, state, and county-issued mandatory guidelines for individuals, businesses, hospitals, and doctor practices.  Those guidelines required hospitals and doctors to postpone all deferable…

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CARES Small Business Relief

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was passed into law with the intent of helping those financially impacted by COVID-19. Small businesses, such as local restaurants and retailers, have struggled due to consumers spending increased time at home. In addition to relief for American workers, employees, and families, the CARES Act provides…

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Have you heard that question over and over again? I have. It is a valid question but also it is difficult to answer. As of the time I wrote this out of all the tests done in Nueces County about 3.1% of the tests done are positive and thankfully 96.9% of the tests done have…

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