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BBB Scam Alert

BBB Scam Alert: Watch out for false promises as eviction moratorium nears end   The eviction moratorium has been extended through October 3, but that doesn’t mean scammers have postponed their tricks. Con artists often take advantage of the confusion and stress surrounding significant events. With more than 450,000 Texans behind on their rent, the moratorium’s end…

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Biden’s Ban of Fossil Fuels

The Biden administration and Congressional Democrats still want to ban fossil fuels within 10 years.  That is economically and technically not feasible.  If adopted, it will turn our economy back 200 years to 1821 and destroy the 18-fold gains in prosperity, wealth, and wellbeing gained over 200 years of the industrial revolution fueled by fossil…

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Texas Power Grid Failure During the February Freeze Crisis

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published a series of articles explaining the February partial power grid failure.  When the power demand exceeds power production, the grid frequency drops and puts the grid in danger of collapse.  When that happened, the PUC and ERCOT ordered the grid operators to reduce demand by shutting down power to…

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Rapid Development of COVID-19 Tests and Vaccine

The rapid development of COVD-19 tests and vaccines was a great achievement by worldwide volunteer, free market, self-managed and directed science and business.  Two articles in the March 20-21, 2021 Wall Street Journal (WSJ) described how it was done. The article by, Dr. Jennifer Dounda, a biochemist at the University of California-Berkley, and founder of…

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Corpus Christi City Priorities

Corpus Christi City Priorities Up until several years ago our mayor, city council and staff neglected the basic city services of street repair and upgrade, sewage collection and treatment, and freshwater treatment and distribution.  After the third water boil warning, we replaced the mayor, many council members and city manager.  Since the mayor, council and…

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Is the Communist Government of China a Threat to the Rest of the World?

Under the present all-powerful president, Xi Jinping, it is.  Xi Jinping has an ideology for China that he calls “the China dream”.  According to Xi Jinping, China and its people have always been the superior country and people of the world for the last 2,000 years.  However, China and its people have been victimized by…

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Government Impostor Scams

BBB Column It is no secret that COVID-19 has brought confusion along with concern. This confusion provides opportunities for scammers to target consumers in new, creative ways. A recent study from BBB shows that reports on government impostor scams have decreased, but the pandemic has allowed for these scams to take new forms that may…

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The Collapse of the Soviet Union

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union.  President Reagan has rightfully received a lot of credit for ending the “Cold War” with Russia.  Based on my reading, Gorbachev deserves at least equal credit.  By 1989 when the Soviet Union disintegrated, the Communist Party had been the absolute ruler of…

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The Peter Principle

I recently read “Undaunted Courage” by Stephen Ambrose.  It recounts the story of the Lewis and Clark expedition which explored the Louisiana Territory in the early 1800’s.  Meriwether Lewis was a tragic example of the “Peter Principle” which is named for Lawrence Peter’s book in the 1960’s which proposed the theory that large organizations such…

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The First Phase US-China Trade Deal

The Trump administration recently signed a first phase trade deal with China after more than one year of negotiation.  It’s about time!  Previous Republican and Democrat administrations over the last 40 years have allowed China tariff free access to US markets without demanding equal access for US companies to export to China.  As a result,…

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