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Senator Tim Scott for President

I recently read South Carolina Senator, Tim Scott’s autobiography “America, a Redemption Story” Choosing Hope, Creating Unity”. He recently announced he will run for President as a Republican in the next election. He is black. He grew up in a poor, one-parent family headed by his mother. He encountered prejudice while growing up, but persevered,…

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How the World Really Works

I start this article with a quiz. What are the 6 human-made materials that are essential for our modern comfortable, affluent lifestyle? The book “How the World Really Works”, by scientist, Vaelav Smil, says they are low-cost energy, food, ammonia, steel, cement and plastics. Had I taken the quiz, I probably would have gotten energy…

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Evolution and Compounding

In his book titled Evolution of Everything, the author, Matt Ridley, says that all human progress has been by evolution, meaning small incremental advances by many people each year, not by major breakthroughs by one human. To understand the importance of evolution we need to apply the math rule of “compounding”. The easy way to…

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Do Not Elect Port Commissioners

In the March PIBA bulletin, Commissioner, Brent Chesney, proposed that state law be changed to elect Port Commissioners rather than appoint them as we do now. I disagree. Port Commissioners have been appointed over the Port’s 100-year plus history. During my 35 years living in Corpus Christi, we have had both good commissioners and poor…

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Unclaimed Property

Texas is currently holding about $7 billion in cash and other valuables waiting for their rightful owners to claim. The Texas Comptroller estimates that one in four residents of the State of Texas have unclaimed property. Examples of unclaimed property include dividend, payroll, or cashier’s checks; stocks, bonds, and mutual fund accounts; utility deposits and…

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BBB Tip: Buying a car online

The ability to purchase goods and services online has permanently changed how countless industries conduct business. The days of high-pressure sales tactics and price haggling are largely in the past, as online marketplaces allow buyers to comparatively shop for the best deal on the product they want across hundreds or thousands of sellers. Particularly when…

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BBB Tip: How to avoid purchasing fake tickets to events

As another Texas summer with record-breaking heat ends and the beginning of the Fall season approaches, many people will be looking to get out and enjoy themselves at various events across the state. Residents may be planning on watching their favorite sports team compete this season or attending a concert featuring a famous musician. With…

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BBB Tip: How to avoid purchasing fake tickets to events

As another Texas summer with record-breaking heat ends and the beginning of the Fall season approaches, many people will be looking to get out and enjoy themselves at various events across the state. Residents may be planning on watching their favorite sports team compete this season or attending a concert featuring a famous musician. With…

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BBB Tip: Donating wisely during Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Every October, countries worldwide observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month, focused on increasing support and awareness of the most common cancer affecting women worldwide. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), breast cancer is the most common cancer affecting women in the United States. In Texas, more than 19,000 new breast cancer cases were diagnosed in 2019.…

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Cryptocurrency Scams

Cryptocurrency scams climbed to second riskiest in 2021, according to BBB report Online purchase scams remain #1 riskiest Scams related to cryptocurrency jumped from the seventh riskiest scam in 2020 to second riskiest in 2021. Although cryptocurrency scams made up only 1.9% of the scams reported to BBB Scam TrackerSM in 2021, according to the…

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