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Despite forbearance programs set in place to relieve mortgage tensions during the COVID-19 Pandemic, it’s a commonality that all US economic recessions have in common: An eventual spike in home foreclosures. But what about those in the fortunate opposing position? A “good deal” is hard to ignore! So if you find yourself interested in raising…

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CARES Small Business Relief

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act was passed into law with the intent of helping those financially impacted by COVID-19. Small businesses, such as local restaurants and retailers, have struggled due to consumers spending increased time at home. In addition to relief for American workers, employees, and families, the CARES Act provides…

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Knowing Debt and Credit Obligations during COVID-19

BBB Column As the COVID-19 crisis moves forward, with businesses closing temporarily and employee layoffs, many are wondering how they will manage their finances. Among these worries are how to handle credit and debt repayments. The CARES Act offers relief to those financially impacted by the pandemic. The new law requires lenders to report to…

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Cancellation Tips Amid COVID-19 BBB Column

With the coronavirus strain COVID-19 appearing in multiple cities and countries, travel plans are being postponed, or canceled altogether. Not only travel, but the schedules of large-scale events like sports, music festivals and more are being affected. Many are left wondering what to do about canceled travels and purchased tickets they can no longer use.…

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Trade Show Tips

BBB Column The beginning of the year is a popular time for trade shows, and trade shows are great opportunities for businesses and consumers alike. For businesses, the shows allow you to display your products and meet potential clients face to face. Consumers are given the opportunity to shop around and compare different businesses in…

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The Information Age

The Information Age began in the year 2000.  First, in human history we had the “Hunter-Gatherer Age” which continued for hundreds of thousands of years until about 10,000 years ago when the “Agriculture Age” began.  That was followed by the “Industrial Age” beginning about 200 years ago.  So far, I am under-whelmed by the “Information…

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Avoiding Advance Fee Loan Scams this Holiday Season

Avoiding Advance Fee Loan Scams this Holiday Season December is here, and consumers are preparing for the holidays. The season has become known for being hectic and stressful, as people travel to see family and attempt to find the perfect gifts for their loved ones without breaking the bank. It can also be a time…

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Census Scams

BBB Column As 2019 draws to a close, a new decade will be here before we know it. However, as we usher in a new era, there is business to be taken care of; namely, the census. The deadline to take part in the national event is April 1, so you’re likely to hear a…

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The North Beach Project

The Corpus Christi City council appointed a task force to recommend a solution to the North Beach Storm Water flooding problem.  The problem is that most of North Beach is not high enough in elevation above sea level for storm water to drain into the bay.  The task force has recommended a solution to flooding,…

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Tips from your BBB on Handling a Data Breach

BBB Column for Padre Island Business Association Emily Gaines, PR Coordinator for Better Business Bureau serving the Heart of Texas Major companies have made headlines this summer after data breaches have left their customers’ sensitive information unprotected. While some consumers were compensated, many are left wondering what to do if they find themselves in a…

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