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World War II US Japanese Internment Camps

During our August trip to Montana, we toured the Heart Mountain World War II Japanese Internment Camp Museum near Cody, Wyoming.  I knew that the US had interned US citizens of Japanese descent during World War II, but never knew the details.  What a shameful mark on our country’s history! After the Pearl Harbor attack,…

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La Posada Foundation Events for 2018

Saturday November 10 – Indian Thunder Motorcycle Ride/Pelican Lounge Band Party for the benefit of the La Posada Foundation which supports the Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots program. Cycles will leave the Corpus Christi Cycle Plaza (2937 S.P.I.D.) at 12:30 and travel to Padre Island, going to the turn around on Park Road 22…

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Every year, house fires claim the lives of over 2,500 people and cause around $7 billion in damage. While house fire deaths are dropping (largely due to fire safety awareness), it’s still a number that is far too high for something so often preventable. Given these startling statistics, I’d like to provide some simple steps…

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Tear Down The Old Nueces County Courthouse

The August 26 edition of the Caller-Times opinion page had opposing articles for tearing down the old county courthouse and for keeping it.  The “tear it down” article had a chronological record of its shameful history.  The most damning decision was in 2002 when Nueces County Commissioners accepted a $1.9 million emergency courthouse restoration grant…

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Homeowners Be Wary of Homestead Exemption Offers

Mailboxes of new homeowners are often flooded with letters from companies looking to cash in on things you might need, like lawn care services or cable. Included in all the mail solicitations could be a letter offering to register you for a homestead exemption – for a fee. Recently a warning about this solicitation was…

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Businesses Beware of Square Phishing Con

Many small businesses accept payments through Square. For a small fee on each transaction, Square can turn a smartphone or iPad into a payment station. But scammers are taking advantage of the service’s popularity by sending phishing emails that appear to be official correspondence. How the Scam Works You get an email that appears to be from…

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Trade Wars

The TV talking heads are in a frenzy about President Trump’s new tariffs on imports from countries that run a large trade surplus with the US.  So far, it’s all TV talk and no wars.  It is likely to continue that way.  It took 70 years for our US trade deficit with dozens of countries…

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Malicious Free Speech Rights Threaten our Democracy

The US has emphasized individual free speech rights to the point malicious free speech threatens our democracy and our individual human rights.   A recent horrible example of that is the way Admiral Jackson’s reputation and career was destroyed by anonymous accusations.  Admiral Jackson had been the White House Doctor through several administrations and was nominated…

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Better Business Bureau serving the Heart of Texas is now accepting entries for the 2018 Torch Awards for Marketplace Ethics. BBB created the Torch Awards to recognize and celebrate ethical business practices. Spotlighting these companies fits BBB’s mission, which is to be the leader in advancing marketplace trust. Any for-profit business headquartered in BBB’s 105-county…

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