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PIBA Candidates Forum

PIBA is excited to announce that we will be hosting a candidate forum for the 2024 CorpusChristi City Council candidates.  All candidates running for Mayor, District 4 and At-Large will beinvited to attend.  Because of the quantity of candidates running, we will have 2 separateforums: one for Mayor and District 4, and the second for…

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Blood Cancer Awareness Month

Each year, September is named as Blood Cancer Awareness Month. This awarenessmonth was initiated to educate communities and to bring attention to the fight against bloodcancer. According to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS), blood cancers are the thirdleading cause of cancer death in the U.S. Furthermore, blood cancers are the most commoncancers among children,…

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How The City Works With Other Governmental Agencies For The Island

The Island is bustling with summer activity as we welcome beachgoers and visitors from allacross the country. We are making great strides on multiple fronts to build a brighter future forNorth Padre Island residents and visitors. One of the driving forces behind our localdevelopments is the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #2, or Island TIRZ. Established…

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Flood Preparedness & Safety Tips

Earlier this summer, I shared important information on how to prepare in case of ahurricane. Today, I would like to revisit that topic in relation to another type of weatheremergency with the potential to affect residents of the Coastal Bend: flooding. Given ourcommunity’s proximity to the Texas coast, many residents may already be aware that…

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BBB Tip: How the military community can avoid scams and fraud

Each year, scammers manipulate millions of American consumers to steal billions of dollarsthrough various schemes. Federal Trade Commission (FTC) data shows that more than $10billion was lost to scams in 2023. While many organizations dedicate themselves toeliminating the substantial impact scams have on the public, the best line of defense comesdown to awareness and avoidance…

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Padre Island Corpus Christi Update – Mayor Paulette Guajardo

Padre Island is undertaking an inspiring journey,harmoniously integrating development with conservationto preserve the essence of our Island. I am delighted to share a significant developmentregarding our cherished Packery Channel and the MichaelJ. Ellis Seawall. This summer, we are set to embark on atransformative project that will see sand moved southwardto expand and enrich the beach…

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BBB Tip: Maintaining and servicing your air conditioning system

Texas residents are no strangers to triple-digit temperatures during the summer months andunderstand the importance of keeping cool during heatwaves. However, when the heatarrives in force, many people learn their current air conditioning systems cannot keep upwith demand. When indoor temperatures reach unbearable levels, many people turn toreputable HVAC contractors to help service their system…

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Is Social Media Good or Bad for Humans?

Is Social Media Good or Bad for Humans? Is Social Media Good or Bad for Humans? I believe social media’s net effect on humans is bad. It appeals to all the bad human features and none of the good human features. According to Mark Zuckerberg and other proponents, it was supposed to be all good…

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BBB Scam Alert: Young adults and recent graduates are common targets for employment scams

The summer season is an exciting time for many young adults as they enter the workforcefollowing high school or college graduation. Unfortunately, not all job postings found onlineare legitimate and many fraudulent employers specifically target young adults with entry-level professional positions that offer a high salary and flexible working hours. BBB’s 2023 Scam Tracker Risk…

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Addressing Corpus Christi’s Long-Term Water Needs

By Drew Molly, P.E., Chief Operating Officer of CCW We all need water to survive, and communities are no different. Without water, communities are not able to grow and thrive, let alone survive, so its importance to all of us cannot be overstated. As a coastal community, Corpus Christi has a long, rich history, but…

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