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Articles & Stories

Real High Tech

May 13, 2020

Sometime back during the infancy of computers and information technology, someone invented the term “high tech” to describe it.  That is an unfair disservice to many other industries that have their own amazing high technology. …

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May 6, 2020

It is really hard to provide coronavirus updates because things change so quickly. We have been fortunate in Nueces County. As I write this on Tuesday, April 14 we have had 84 confirmed cases in…

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The Peter Principle

April 20, 2020

I recently read “Undaunted Courage” by Stephen Ambrose.  It recounts the story of the Lewis and Clark expedition which explored the Louisiana Territory in the early 1800’s.  Meriwether Lewis was a tragic example of the…

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Cancellation Tips Amid COVID-19 BBB Column

April 7, 2020

With the coronavirus strain COVID-19 appearing in multiple cities and countries, travel plans are being postponed, or canceled altogether. Not only travel, but the schedules of large-scale events like sports, music festivals and more are…

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The First Phase US-China Trade Deal

March 22, 2020

The Trump administration recently signed a first phase trade deal with China after more than one year of negotiation.  It’s about time!  Previous Republican and Democrat administrations over the last 40 years have allowed China…

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Avoiding Tax Identity Theft

March 11, 2020

BBB Column Tax season is upon us, and you have until April 15 to file your return. Scammers are also busy during tax season, hoping to steal money you earned. How will you know your…

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2020 State of Island Real Estate

March 4, 2020

A new decade can bring excitement, anticipation, and chatter of changes. But one thing that doesn’t seem to change is what’s most important in the real estate market: As we real estate experts commonly quip,…

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Changing Our Human Behavior

February 14, 2020

By this time in early February, many people are struggling to keep their New Year’s resolutions.  The Wall Street Journal recently published an essay from the book “Tiny Habits” by Dr. Fogg, of Stamford University. …

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Trade Show Tips

February 5, 2020

BBB Column The beginning of the year is a popular time for trade shows, and trade shows are great opportunities for businesses and consumers alike. For businesses, the shows allow you to display your products…

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The Information Age

January 21, 2020

The Information Age began in the year 2000.  First, in human history we had the “Hunter-Gatherer Age” which continued for hundreds of thousands of years until about 10,000 years ago when the “Agriculture Age” began. …

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