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Articles & Stories

Choosing the Right Solar Company

March 1, 2021

The solar industry has grown tremendously in the last 10 years, and Texas ranked second in the nation for solar growth in 2019. Solar energy promises consumers lower bills, tax incentives and an increase in…

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Tips for a Fraud-Free 2021

February 21, 2021

BBB Column The new year has started, and 2021 resolutions have been made. While many New Year’s goals focus on improving health and finances, consumers should also consider resolutions they can make to prevent fraud…

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February 11, 2021

In this article, I want to feature Heart Month which is designated for the month of February. This month strives to educate the public about the importance of improving heart health. This endeavor aims to…

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Future Use for Harbor Island

February 3, 2021

Recent issues of the “Island Moon” indicate Harbor Island will not be used for a VOCC supertanker dock.  The final resolution was a good outcome for all concerned.  However, the question remains “What will be…

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Windstorm Insurance Updates 2021

January 21, 2021

Once again, we are being told that the Texas Legislature, in the current session, will solve our windstorm insurance problem.  That will not happen.  Our 14 Coastal counties only represent 5.5 percent of the 254…

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Better Business Impact Report

January 11, 2021

BBB Column Online retail has become more important than ever in the face of COVID-19. Online shopping has become a convenient way to shop while staying safe. A recent report from BBB examines the e-commerce…

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2020-2021 Padre Island Business Association Scholarship

January 4, 2021

Caitlyn Forrester THANK YOU. This scholarship has allowed me to pay for my tuition this semester without taking out any loans. This is amazingly helpful as I won’t be in a large amount of debt…

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City Updates – Greg Smith District 4

December 18, 2020

One of the important issues facing the Island is Short Term Rentals of homes.  Currently, Corpus Christi does not have an ordinance addressing STR’s as they are growing in popularity across the nation and particularly…

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4 Crucial Things to Keep In Mind While Expanding Your Business

December 11, 2020

Running a business successfully is an amazing experience. There’s nothing quite like putting in the work and seeing your company thrive. However, sometimes there’s a limit to how much a business can do at its…

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Padre Island Business Association logo

PIBA Ambassador Spots Available

December 4, 2020

The Padre Island Business Association Island Ambassador Program is growing!  If you’ve attended a PIBA meeting, mixer, or event over the last 6 years then you have probably seen a group of men and women…

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