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Social Media As A Tool

5 Reasons to Use Social Media as a Customer Service Tool

By Kelly Trevino, Regional Director, Corpus Christi and Victoria Better Business Bureau

Social media is a powerful tool used by consumers to hold businesses accountable and trustworthy. Hardly a week goes by without news of some major company’s woes being played out on social. And more and more, companies are turning to social to address those concerns.

In 2017, national Better Business Bureau social media accounts received an estimated 35,000 complaints and comments via social media from consumers who were trying to resolve an issue with a company and felt neglected. By tagging BBB, these consumers hoped to push companies to respond or recruit BBB to act as the “middle man” to get their complaints resolved.

Leveraging social media is key for businesses that aim to maintain trust with their consumers. It’s an opportunity to directly engage with customers, build a relationship that goes beyond a single transaction, and construct a strong presence for their brand that invites interest. How can brands take advantage of this medium to enhance the consumer journey?

  1. Consumers use social media to reach brands: 90% of social media users have used social media to communicate with a brand (com)
  1. Consumers expect brands to respond: 71% of consumers who have a good social media experience with a brand are likely to recommend it (
  2. Consumers share their frustrations about brands on social media: Social media provides a channel for sharing experiences, outlets to search for a resolution, and an opportunity to share with others (BBB 2017 Trust Sentiment Index report)
  3. Consumers expect a quick response on social media: 78% of people who complain to a brand via Twitter expect a response within an hour (
  4. Consumers use third-party organizations to get a resolution on social media: Out of those who contacted third-party organizations, 83% said the third-party resolved the problem (BBB 2017 Trust Sentiment Index report)

One way to make sure consumers are happy is to provide great customer service via social media. Brands can use the “BBB 5 Gestures of Trust” framework to cultivate a more trustworthy relationship with consumers. This infographic illustrates each of the 5 Gestures that can be used to amplify customer service on social.

For more information about the 5 Gestures and how these simply gestures can have an impact your business visit,

Kelly Trevino is the regional director for the Corpus Christi/Victoria area of Better Business Bureau serving the Heart of Texas. Kelly is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. You can reach her by phone: (361) 945-7352 or email: