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 As the 2024-25 school year begins in communities across Texas, many students and
families will be using online systems to complete homework assignments, interact with
teachers and administrators, or connect with their community in other ways. While people
have varying levels of experience using digital resources and communication channels, it
remains essential to practice safe cybersecurity habits to prevent sensitive information from
falling into the wrong hands.
Better Business Bureau offers the following tips on how to stay safe on the internet this
school year. 
Teachers and administrators 
Evaluate and update cybersecurity plans.
Now is the time for educators to develop a
plan to notify students, faculty and staff should there be a data breach or security problem
once classes are in session. Look at what type of information is stored digitally and the
consequences if that information is compromised. What processes are in place to help
mitigate the risk?
Keep a clean machine and update devices that connect to the internet. Scheduling
and regularly backing up critical lesson plans, personal information and assignments is the
best way to recover from viruses, malware and other online threats. A great practice to
protect your device is to stay updated on current software which often includes updates that
prevent cybercriminals from accessing electronic devices.  
Parents: Be careful 
Creating accounts on websites without permission. Community and social media sites
are full of strangers, some of which use various platforms to take advantage of others. It is
important to be mindful of the information provided about a child, as some malicious
websites are designed to collect and sell unauthorized user details and behaviors. When
creating an account, some children may misrepresent their birthdate to meet the minimum
age requirement. Know what your child is doing online and keep track of the social media
sites and accounts they have access to. 
Phishing. Adults are not the only ones who receive spam and junk mail. Kids often get junk
mail, and since they don’t have much online experience, there is a greater chance they may
click on links and answer questions they probably shouldn’t. While some emails may be
legitimate, the last thing parents want is a $500 bill from a fraudulent website where their
child may have made a purchase – or worse, releasing personal information that con artists
can track to your home. 
Understand apps. Short for “applications,” apps are downloaded software that operates on
various devices, such as smartphones. However, certain apps might collect and share
personal information about your child or target your child with ads. Even free apps may
include paid features, and children may not understand that some apps or game features
cost money. They may click on these so-called free games and end up costing parents or
guardians a hefty bill at the end of the month. 
File sharing sites. Many websites allow children to download free media. They may not
know that these sites often come with the risk of downloading a virus, allowing identity thieves to access the gaming device, personal computer, or even a cell phone. From there,
the cyber thief can track financial transactions and geographic location or tap into the
household Wi-Fi without anyone knowing it. 
Tips on how to manage online privacy for the family: 
Learn about CARU. The Children’s Advertisement Review Unit (CARU) is the nation’s first
Safe Harbor Program under the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), signed
into law on April 21, 2000. Participants who adhere to CARU’s Guidelines are deemed
compliant with COPPA and are mostly insulated from FTC enforcement action as long as
they follow program requirements. When advertising or data collection practices are
misleading, inappropriate, or inconsistent with laws and guidelines, CARU seeks change
through the voluntary cooperation of companies and, where relevant, enforcement action.
Parents can find more information about CARU and its impacts at 
Learn about COPPA. The Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) protects the
personal information of children under the age of 13 on websites and online
services—including apps. COPPA requires those sites and services to notify parents and get
their approval before collecting, using or disclosing a child’s personal information.  
Read privacy policies together. Parents and children should read the privacy policies and
terms of use for any apps they want to use before downloading. Remind them of the
importance of knowing what they are signing up for and how information gathered by apps
builds their digital footprint. Take time to learn and understand the privacy settings on each
app and game. Less is more when it comes to sharing information. 
Use parental controls if necessary.
Although the best way to keep a child’s online
privacy safe is to teach them to manage it themselves, enabling parental controls is an
additional tool to help monitor their online activity. Today Android, iOS, and most web
browsers offer built-in features that allow parents to monitor their children’s online
activities, but third-party apps are also available. Research the option that works best.  
Share with care and remember, personal information is like money. Anything posted
online can last a lifetime; discuss with your children that any information they share online
can easily be copied and is almost impossible to take back. Talk to them about who might
see a post and how it may make others feel now or in the future. Demonstrate how
anything they do online can positively or negatively impact other people. Sharing personal
information can also give online thieves an idea of what login information or passwords
might be used for banking or other online accounts in the future. 
Avoid sharing your location. These days nearly every app automatically tracks a user’s
location. It’s a good idea for children to disable this app feature. Advise them not to geo-tag
their posts with their location either.  
Visit for more information on how to protect a child’s online privacy.  
Visit the National Security Alliance at for the latest news regarding
internet safety.