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The Island is bustling with summer activity as we welcome beachgoers and visitors from all
across the country. We are making great strides on multiple fronts to build a brighter future for
North Padre Island residents and visitors. One of the driving forces behind our local
developments is the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone #2, or Island TIRZ. Established in the
year 2000, this funding mechanism plays a crucial role in financing infrastructure projects that
directly benefit The Island.

I was proud to renew The Island TIRZ, our critical economic investment tool in 2023, alongside
many of my colleagues. We are ensuring that over $200 million dollars will be reinvested back
into the boundaries of The Island TIRZ during its 20-year term.

Every day I work with local, regional, state and federal partners on the myriads of issues we
face as an island community. A good example of this successful collaboration is the Packery
Channel Restoration Project. This project was funded by the Island TIRZ, with an investment of
over $7 million dollars. With this project, I worked directly with our state and federal partners.
Another great example of working together with local partners is the recent allocation of $4
million dollars from TIRZ funding for the Bristol King Pavilion project. Stay tuned to hear about
the detailed improvements that this wonderful investment is going to make. We all know how
important the Pavilion is to The Island and the valuable asset it is to the city as a whole.

A project not spoken of often but is an important infrastructure initiative is The Island Paper
Streets Project. It has received an allocation of over $7 million dollars to construct Sand Dollar
Avenue between Verdemar Drive and Highway 361. It has also extended Crowsnest from
Beach Access Road 4 to Whitecap and beyond. These projects will activate previously
underdeveloped areas to enhance accessibility and navigation throughout The Island.

On the city front and as we approach the budget season, I would like to hear your thoughts on
how we allocate your tax dollars. Your input is vital in shaping a budget that reflects our
community’s needs and priorities. Stay tuned for upcoming dates, times and locations of the
Budget Input Sessions, where you can share your ideas and feedback.

Other ongoing island projects include the construction of the Commodores Bridge, designed to
seamlessly connect traffic through the Whitecap Canals to the existing Padre Island Canal
system. This will significantly improve watercraft mobility for both residents and visitors. We will
keep you updated as the projects move forward.

Please remember that my door is always open to listening to your comments, questions, and
concerns. You can reach me via email at or by phone at 361-
826-3100. Together, we will continue to work hard to build a stronger, more vibrant community. The island is the jewel of our city, and I remain dedicated to our future.