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The summer season is an exciting time for many young adults as they enter the workforce
following high school or college graduation. Unfortunately, not all job postings found online
are legitimate and many fraudulent employers specifically target young adults with entry-
level professional positions that offer a high salary and flexible working hours.

BBB’s 2023 Scam Tracker Risk Report found employment scams are the second riskiest
consumer scam in the nation with a median loss of $1,995 and a 5% increase in exposure
as compared to the previous year. In Texas, consumers reported more than $750,000 lost
to these scams since 2023. Across all age groups, employment scams tend to impact those
between 18-34 years old the most.

While the majority of reports BBB receives are regarding fraudulent employers promoting
data entry or package reshipment positions, graphic designer, secret shopper, and human
resources offers are also frequently used. All reports include a work-from-home or remote
working capability, often with flexible working hours and an hourly or monthly pay
significantly higher than standard. 

Contact is made most often through email from someone claiming to represent a made-up
or impersonated company who came across the recipient’s email through a job board,
LinkedIn, or in response to an application they sent in. Shortly afterward, the conversation
will move to an online messaging system such as Skype or Telegram to arrange and
conduct an interview. The interview is conducted entirely through text and finishes with an
immediate job offer starting the very next day. After accepting the job offer, employment
scams progress down different paths depending on the position and industry. 

To help identify fraudulent jobs for the most common types of positions, BBB provides the
following breakdown for two broad categories: 

Data Entry, Administrative Assistant, Clerical or Secretarial Positions
Fake checks are a common tactic for these positions in an employment scam. Once an offer
is accepted, the scammer claims that the company will provide them with a check they can
use to set up their home office. The check is either emailed or mailed directly to the
employee’s address, and they follow instructions to deposit it into their account and provide
proof afterward.

Once deposited, the scam may progress down two different paths:
* The representative claims that a mistake on the check resulted in the employee
being overpaid. They often blame this on a logical typing error, such as accidentally
adding an extra zero, so $300 became $3,000. The scammer asks the new employee
to return the extra money immediately through a direct payment method such as
mobile banking app, gift card or wire transfer. 
*The representative will direct the employee to a third-party vendor they must use to
purchase their office equipment. The website often appears legitimate, and the
employee can easily find all the required products. When it comes time to pay, the
total cost precisely matches the amount of money provided in the check, and the
employee inputs their banking information to finalize the purchase. 

In either case, the victim’s bank eventually detects the check as a fake, and the employee
loses the amount of money they returned or used to purchase the office equipment, which

is never received. When they try to contact the representative again, all messages go
unanswered and social media profiles previously used to establish credibility are
deactivated. Additionally, banks often freeze, or in worst cases cancel, the accounts
associated with a fraudulent or counterfeit check deposit as a precautionary measure,
resulting in additional challenges the victim must overcome when recovering. 
Package Reshipment, Quality Inspection or Product Distribution Positions
All these positions require from an applicant is a valid home address and their time, making
them very appealing to a wide range of people. They often advertise a base monthly pay
between $2,000 – $4,000, with additional bonuses per package shipped to its next
destination. Most victims who encounter this scam receive and ship packages as they expect
until it comes time for their first paycheck – only they never receive any money. When they
attempt to log in to an employee dashboard, they find their account locked and all their
messages go unanswered. 

According to the FBI, reshipping scams can involve con artists who use stolen credit cards to
buy expensive items. Instead of shipping the item directly to their address, they use a “re-
shipper” to send the package overseas. Package reshipment positions may also be handling
stolen goods or laundered money, resulting in victims of this scam unknowingly
participating in illegal activity. 

Avoiding Employment Scams
Evaluate work-from-home opportunities. The transition to remote work has created
many opportunities for legitimate and fraudulent businesses. While many work-from-home
job openings are honest, it is essential to critically evaluate the hiring process of any
company offering this type of employment. Be wary of companies that require the applicant
to download a specific mobile app to communicate, conduct the entirety of the interview
through text or chat, or do not provide a physical address for the business. 
Verify contact details. BBB recommends verifying that the address provided matches the
business and that the phone number is in service. It is common for scammers to use
addresses for vacant lots or other companies and a phone number that is either fabricated
or not in service. At a minimum, verify that at least two contact methods will get you in
touch with company representatives. 

Research the company. Spend time researching a company’s reputation and legitimacy
before agreeing to work for them. Check to see if they are listed, and search online
for reviews from previous employees or customers. If the offer is coming from a well-known
company, check their official job board to verify the position is listed and use the posted
contact methods to reach out to the hiring team.  

Be wary of immediate offers and start dates. Any pressure to sign or onboard
immediately indicates that the company may not be legitimate. Choosing a place to work is
an important decision that most legitimate companies understand requires time to consider.
Be especially wary if the position is offered without an interview or promises a significant
income if the employee pays for coaching, training or certifications. If the hiring team
threatens the job will go to the next candidate unless you make an immediate decision, it
might be best to walk away. 
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